Well Hello, It’s taken me a minute to get here but I believe I should have this website up and running within the next couple of days.  I cannot tell you how many times I have attempted to get my website up and running (through other sites) but I think we are finally here thanks to ArtCall (we shall see). I belong to and also moderate a daily Prompt page on facebook however, I’ve been spending more time trying to get my work out into the public instead of social media being my only option.  I’m old, new to digital drawing and really don’t have a clue what I’m doing but I just keep trying.  Not going to lie, I have felt frustrated and defeated more times than I care to admit.  My friends are all old just like me so as much as they want to help, I don’t have the education to explain all the paradigms shifts that have taken place over the past 30 years and I gather they don’t really want to hear about them either.  I am behind the curve and it’s been a struggle learning new things after a 30 year hiatus from any form of art.  Nevertheless, here I am 3 years in and still trying and determined to make this work.  It would have been so much easier had I decided to do all of this while I was working because I had the income to  do and purchase all the things I needed to get started.  The problem with that is that I didn’t have the energy or time when I was working to think about anything outside of work, family and repeat. I’m retired now and this is the closest I have gotten to creating my website and actually finishing it.  The setup for ArtCall so far has been very easy and definitely seems more geared towards artist.  We shall see.

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